Adopt a DFW Beagle Buddy today!

Hi, Beagle Buddies!

It’s been a while since we’ve posted – raising 5 puppies will do that to you! 🙂

We wanted to announce that we will be participating in the embRACE theSTREET event in Fort Worth next Sunday, September 9th. We will have several of our adoptables out from 11am-3pm to visit and meet new friends!

“Centered on the 2800 block of Race Street, the area will be transformed into a walkable district with a community garden, outdoor market for local artists and artisans, food trucks, pocket dog park, redesigned streetscape with bicycle lanes, street performers, public art, music and art activities. Existing businesses on the street will be open, with the addition of art galleries and a bookstore/café in existing vacant spaces”

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